Oaklee was born June 21st at 2:53 am. She was 6lbs 10ozs and 20ins long. I went in Sunday night to get induced because Karson could get the whole week off work and my doctor said that it was ok to be induced. I was already dilated to a 3 when I went to the hospital but she hadn't dropped yet. They started the pitocin at 7:30 Sunday night and I started to feel the contractions around 10:30 and I had her by 3 the next morning so my labor was very short. She is such a sweet little thing it is so much fun to have a little girl in the family. Thatcher loves her to death it is so cute when he came and seen us in the hospital he didn't pay any attention to her but once we got her home he has very cute with her. He's always pointing at her and saying baby and he tries to give her her binki and blankets. Also whenever she cries he runs right over to her to make sure she is ok it is so cute he is already a great protective big brother. I am doing great and recovering well and we are so excited to have our sweet little girl as a part of our lives :)!!!!
Ski day
3 years ago